This tab shows you a quick snapshot of the key metrics to track, eg. Conversion Rate, Revenue, in direct comparison to the benchmark. The dark blue lines represent your data, and the light blue lines are the benchmark's data. You will be able to filter by device to see only mobile, desktop, tablet usage or a combination.

1,2. Your Revenue vs. Benchmark Revenue: This graph shows your revenue vs. the Benchmark's revenue. The left graph is grouped by Day and the right graph is grouped by week. Values are shown as a percentage of total over the selected time period. For example the revenue for Sep 1 2019 accounts for 4.78% of the total revenue from 01 Sep 2019 to 30 Sep 2019. This is handy for quickly determining which are your highest or lowest days of revenue.

3,4. Your Sessions vs. Benchmark Sessions: This graph shows your session vs. the Benchmark's session. The left graph is grouped by Day and the right graph is grouped by week. Values are shown as a percentage of total over the selected time period. For example the revenue for Sep 1 2019 accounts for 3.65% of the total sessions from 01 Sep 2019 to 30 Sep 2019. This is handy for quickly determining which are your highest or lowest days of sessions.

5. Your Conversion Rate vs. Benchmark (left): This visual shows you your average conversion rate vs. the Benchmark's conversion rate over the selected time period. Here, your average conversion rate is 1.4%, compared to the benchmark's average conversion rate of 2.24%. That means you are behind the benchmark by 37.5%.

6. Your Conversion Rate vs. Benchmark by week: This graph shows your conversion rate vs. the Benchmark's, grouped by week for the selected time period. This allows you to quickly compare your conversion rate against the benchmark.

7. Your Average Order Value vs. Benchmark: This visual shows you your average order value vs. the Benchmark's average order value over the selected time period. Here, your average order value is ahead of the benchmark by 34.19%.

8. Your Average Order Value vs. Benchmark by week: This graph shows your average order value vs. the Benchmark's, grouped by week for the selected time period. This allows you to quickly compare your average order value against the benchmark.

9. Your Bounce rate vs. Benchmark by week: This graph shows your bounce rate vs. the Benchmark's, grouped by week for the selected time period. This allows you to quickly look at your bounce rate to determine potential issues with your website.

10. Your Ad Cost vs. Benchmark: This graph shows your ad cost vs. the Benchmark's for the selected time period. This allows you to quickly look at your ad cost vs the benchmark.